My apologies, the last text went out in error. It is actually part of a larger four-part message that will be sent out at 7:45pm. Please disregard until it is sent out as part of the larger message. Thank you and have a great evening!
about 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Additionally, I am excited to inform you that we have been able to add some additional activity leaders to the program. The additional staff will allow us to address our goals of having the ability to accommodate more students who want to attend the program, creating smaller homework groups to support student academics and developing a more structured enrichment hour to provide students with a variety of activities.
about 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
The winners of the catapult competition for 1st and 7th grade Study Buddies: Distance goes to Leo and Frank. Height goes to Isabella and Andrea. Hit the Target was a tie between Oscar, Gavin, and Matthew & Tomas and Melanie
about 2 years ago, Mr. Wilhite - 7th Grade
winners of the catapult competition
1st and 7th graders working on catapults today. Part 2
about 2 years ago, Mr. Wilhite - 7th Grade
1st and 7th grade Study Buddies worked on catapults today. Part 1
about 2 years ago, Mr. Wilhite - 7th Grade
Good evening parents, Just wanted to inform everyone of a late change in the scheduling for tomorrow's games against Paradise. B Teams will play at 10am, A Teams at 11am. Hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
REMINDER: All students must take pictures today for school records and the yearbook, even if you are not purchasing photographs through the photographer.
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Parents Club will begin snack sales tomorrow. Snacks will cost $1 each. K-1 students will have a two snack limit; Grades 2-8 students will have a four snack limit.
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Correction: Snacks will start on September 8, 2022, NOT September 1. So, September Snack Days will be on the 8th and 22nd.
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Good Evening, Tomorrow is Back-to-School Night! We want to invite you to attend our classroom presentations taking place at 5:45pm and 6:00pm and stop by classrooms from 6:15pm-6:45pm to meet teachers and gather any other information you may be wanting. Also, Parents Club will begin selling snacks on Thursday, Sept. 1. They will be selling snacks every other Thursday to begin the year. See you tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Reminder: Minimum Day Dismissal @ 1pm. ASP will be open for those who attend.
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Welcome back everyone - just wanted to let everyone know that we will have breakfast this year for students who arrive by 8am. All students should enter through the gym in the morning where they will eat before going to class when the 8:10 bell rings. Tomorrow's breakfast will be cinnamon rolls w/ fruit & milk. The lunch will be a chicken sandwich, green beans, fruit & milk. We're excited about this new school year! See you tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Good evening Shiloh families, I wanted to inform the 4th-8th grade students that Mrs. Haskins and I will be holding sports camps this coming week, June 25-29 We want to help students learn and practice sports played at Shiloh School. Students are scheduled for 2 hour blocks of time as indicated on the schedule. Please be attentive to the sport and grade level to make sure your child attends at the appropriate time. All slots are open to boys and girls unless otherwise notes on the schedule. I hope students will join us for these fun and exciting opportunities this week. Ms. Haskins and I were fortunate enough to have some fantastic coaches and hope to share our love of sports with Shiloh students. We look forward to seeing students this coming week!
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Sports Camps Schedule
Good afternoon Shiloh Families, I hope all of you are enjoying your summer. For those of you who have signed up for the Extended Learning Summer Program, as you know, we are starting tomorrow, July 6. As a reminder, the campus will open at 6:00 am, breakfast will be served at 7:30 am for those who arrive by that time, and activity/learning times are scheduled at 8:00, 10:15 and 1:00. Lunch will be served from 12:00-12:30 pm. All of our activity leaders have planned fun experiences. All students must be picked up by 3:00 pm. We'll see those of you who signed up tomorrow morning, and for those of you who did not sign up, please disregard this message and we'll see you in August!
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Congrats to our TK and kindergarten graduates!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Moring-Kindergarten Teacher
kindergarten graduation
kindergarten graduation
kindergarten graduation
kindergarten graduation
Hello Shiloh Families, Please be on the look out for an Intent to Participate in our Summer Extended Learning Opportunities Program this summer. The form is being sent home with students and can be picked up in the office or from ASP. Students who want to participate in any part of the program will need to return the form by Thursday, June 9, to reserve a spot in the program. We are going to have a ton of fun so hope to see you in July!
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Good afternoon Shiloh families, With staff and students out because of various illnesses hitting us pretty hard right now and a one-time opportunity that came up yesterday to have soundboards installed this week in the gymnasium to improve acoustics before graduation, I am going to postpone tomorrow’s final Student of the Month Assembly to next week. We want the assembly to be a positive experience and we were re up against a lot of obstacles this week to run this smoothly and give students the proper recognition they’ve earned. Hopefully we will see all of you who are planning to attend next week on Tuesday, May 31 at 10:30am! Thank you for your understanding.
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
Join us on Wednesday April 27th for an awesome evening! We are thrilled to invite the community to celebrate the 2021-2022 School Year at an Open House Event. We invite everyone to visit classroom from 5:00-6:00pm, enjoy the Book Faire from 4:30-6:30pm and celebrate the Grand Opening of our new facility and gymnasium at 6:00pm. Parents Club will be providing refreshments for the evening. We hope you stop by to enjoy the evening with us and see what's new at Shiloh School!
over 2 years ago, Seth Ehrler
New Multi-Purpose Room!
8th grade finished up their Scientific Notation unit today. Their end of unit project was creating a board game for students to play involving scientific notation questions. Students were very creative. Now they have proof that math can be fun!
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Dickman - 8th Grade
Students playing board games
Students playing board games
Students playing board games
Students playing board games
Good Afternoon Shiloh Parents, As you may have heard, the governor issued a public release regarding the mask mandate for schools: "In California, starting March 1, masks will no longer be required for unvaccinated individuals, but will be strongly recommended for all individuals in most indoor settings. After March 11, in schools and child care facilities, masks will not be required but will be strongly recommended. Masks will still be required for everyone in high transmission settings like public transit, emergency shelters, health care settings, correctional facilities, homeless shelters and long-term care facilities. As always, local jurisdictions may have additional requirements beyond the state guidance." Shiloh School will continue to follow state requirements which will now allow students and staff the choice of wearing masks at school beginning Monday, March 14. If anything should change before then, the Shiloh School will contact you with the latest information. Have a good evening!
almost 3 years ago, Seth Ehrler