Good Afternoon Shiloh Parents, As you may have heard, the governor issued a public release regarding the mask mandate for schools:
"In California, starting March 1, masks will no longer be required for unvaccinated individuals, but will be strongly recommended for all individuals in most indoor settings. After March 11, in schools and child care facilities, masks will not be required but will be strongly recommended. Masks will still be required for everyone in high transmission settings like public transit, emergency shelters, health care settings, correctional facilities, homeless shelters and long-term care facilities. As always, local jurisdictions may have additional requirements beyond the state guidance."
Shiloh School will continue to follow state requirements which will now allow students and staff the choice of wearing masks at school beginning Monday, March 14. If anything should change before then, the Shiloh School will contact you with the latest information. Have a good evening!

Today's link for Student of the Month:
Seth Ehrler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: February Student of the Month
Time: Feb 23, 2022 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 2150 3816
Passcode: qBf9SP

Reminder: Special Board Meeting tonight, February 18 @ 6:15pm. Agenda Item: Resolution Regarding Mask Mandate for Students

8th grade finished off their Functions math unit with a Barbie Bungee Jump project. Using their knowledge of linear functions, students had to estimate how many rubber bands it would take for Barbie to safely jump 82 inches. This was fun and creative for them!

1st and 7th grade Study Buddies worked on presentations showing holiday traditions of other countries.

I wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that the building is complete! The water tank is scheduled for December 6th. Once that installation is complete and our fire suppression system is functional, we will be able to occupy the building. Look for more information to follow on the Grand Opening ceremony in 2022!

1st and 7th grade Study Buddies created turkey headbands during Art today in class.

Red ribbon day 2- “Our future is too bright for drugs!”

The Kindergarten 100 club got two more members today! Way to go, Matteo and Johnny!

Red ribbon week day 1… “Lei off drugs’”

1st and 7th grade Study Buddies met today to make Halloween optical illusions.

Kindergarten’s newest ABC club member. Way to go, Luke!

REMINDER: The curbside lane in the parking lot is for drop-offs/pick-ups only. If anyone other than students attending school plans to get out of the car, please help improve safety by keeping the line moving and everyone off of Paradise Road by parking in the parking lot. Thank you!

Shiloh Parents, please help us keep our school peaceful and safe for everyone. Plan ahead for pick-up and drop-off times to avoid rushing. Please be patient and understand the process may take time. Student safety is a priority so please remain calm and refrain from aggressive behavior. Thank you!

Good evening Shiloh Parents - Shiloh School Parents Club is bringing back weekly Snack Day starting this Thursday, October 14. To make sure that all students have a chance to go through the line during their recess, they will start with a few options costing 50¢ each.

Congrats to the first members of the kindergarten ABC club and 100 club!
100 club: Wade & Luke
ABC club: Matteo, Johnny and Lizzie
(To make ABC club the student must be able to identify each letter and the sound it makes; to make 100 club they must be able to count from 1-100 without any mistakes)

The wait is over! These kids were so excited to finally get to play on the new playground!

Congratulations to 6th Grade Students' of the Month and Reader of the Month!

The new playground is not ready quite yet, but I am getting the feeling some of these boys and girls just can't wait for that fence to come down!

8th grade is currently working on their podcasts for our novel study of The Outsiders. After reading an important event in the book, they are creating a news podcast to retell the story as if they were the character. We love using technology in class!